Dental Crowns and bridges


dental crowns

It's not my year. I have to go to the dentist several times, who in turn always refers me to the dental surgeon. On one side of my mouth, I have a chipped tooth, and on the other side of my mouth, I am missing a molar which causes my other teeth to move.

Work at the tooth shop.

Just like me, my teeth are getting a year older. My teeth have been faithful companions all my life, helping me eat tasty meals. I try to take good care of them every day. Over the years, I went for regular checkups. Apart from a few cavities and the removal of dental plaque, I hardly experienced any problems with my teeth until now. But this year they are due for some refurbishment.


I've been missing a tooth for a while now. So far, I have not experienced any difficulties with this, but recently I have been experiencing temporomandibular joint pain. My gums also swell a bit. The dentist says that my teeth are going to move little by little through the rather large hole and turn slightly. I am referred to the dental technician for the first time because a bridge appears to be the best solution to prevent further complications. I have to go there several times, but the job is neatly done.


A few weeks later, disaster strikes again in my mouth. This time, a fairly large piece of a tooth on the other side of my teeth breaks during a meal. My tooth seems very damaged, and to correct the damage, my Virginia family dentist recommends a dental crown. Again he referred me to the dental technician at Virginia dental care who had to fix the damaged tooth with a crown cap.


Both procedures, which are smooth and painless thanks to current technology, involve small prostheses. The bridge and crown are attached to the existing teeth. They are not removable. The color is simulated based on the natural color of my teeth.

I am a satisfied customer, but I hope it stays just as good in my mouth for the time being!
